Auxiliary Unit 316

Auxiliary Unit 316 Christmas Party 2018

Who We Are

Patriotism and veterans advocacy are so important to the American Legion Auxiliary that for a century, we’ve been serving, educating, and giving to America’s finest — our military.

We answer the call of Service Not Self. We are the male and female spouses, grandmothers, mothers, sisters, and direct and adopted female descendants of members of The American Legion. Some of us are veterans ourselves.

We are the American Legion Auxiliary. And we make a difference. You’ll find us in more than 8,000 local communities in the USA and in foreign countries. Founded in 1919 during the first National Convention of The American Legion, the ALA has grown to be one of the largest veterans support organizations. And we’d love for you to be part of our mission outreach.


For God and Country, we associate ourselves together for the following purposes:

To uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America; to maintain law and order; to foster and perpetuate a one hundred percent Americanism; to preserve the memories and incidents of our associations in all wars; to inculcate a sense of individual obligation to the community, state and nation; to combat the autocracy of both the classes and the masses; to make right the master of might; to promote peace and goodwill on earth; to safeguard and transmit to posterity the principles of justice, freedom and democracy; to participate in and contribute to the accomplishment of the aims and purposes of The American Legion; to consecrate and sanctify our association by our devotion to mutual helpfulness.